
Delivering outstanding performances and results consistently

John has the ability to engage individuals at all levels and naturally provides a focus on high performance.

Dr David Marshall - General Manager PMQ at BMW Financial Services (GB)


Realising potential and being better every day through deliberate intent

Applying the experiences he has gained from coaching world class athletes he is able to maximise the potential of his clients and improve their performance. John is effective in working with both individuals and teams.

Chan Kataria OBE - Group Chief Executive EMH group


High trust, committed and with shared common goals, values and purpose

He is a person I trust was looking out for by best interests at all times.

Barry Middleton - 4 x Olympian Most & All time most capped English hockey player


Doing what is right and what we say we will

He is an integral part of my support team, and has undoubtedly played a role in the recent successes in my career.

Mel Reid - US LPGA & 3 x Solheim Cup Professional Golfer


Saying what needs to be said, when its needed, in the way it needs to be said to inspire and promote excellence, transformation, integrity and relationships

You quickly understood the brief and the issues, and developed rapport and trust with the people involved so that the feedback and outputs were open and candid, and of real value. Your work helped us think about how we moved forward with the programme and how we work together as a team at a time of change for our organisation. Your style and approach enabled everyone to really engage in the review and openly discuss some sensitive issues, which has really helped us be clear on the issues that need to be considered and responded to going forwards.

Debbie Griffiths - Chief Executive Housing Plus Group